While fruit and milk frequently have less calories than processed meals, high-protein foods, and grain goods, it is not a good idea to restrict your diet to just one or two food groups in order to lose weight. Even while milk and fruit are excellent sources of nutrients when included in a more balanced diet, they are insufficient to provide your body all the vitamins, minerals, and other critical elements it needs to perform at its peak.
A fruitarian diet consisting of milk, water, and fruit juice is known as a “milk and fruit” diet. A rigorous fruitarian diet can restrict your intake to just fruit, but many fruitarians also consume some vegetables, nuts, and seeds, according to the Fruitarian Worldwide Network.
A milk and fruit diet can help you lose weight quickly, especially if you pick low-calorie fruits and nonfat or low-fat milk. One cup of skim milk has only 85 calories and no fat, according to the USDA. One cup of watermelon chunks contains just 45 calories, a medium banana has 105 calories, and a medium apple has around 95 calories. If you can consume such light foods and manage to reduce your daily caloric intake by 1,000, you will lose around 2 pounds each week.
Eating more fruit and drinking milk provide additional nutritional benefits. ChooseMyPlate.gov states that fruits can help prevent cancer, diabetes, bone loss, kidney stones, heart attacks, and stroke, while lean dairy protein helps prevent osteoporosis by building and repairing muscle and bone tissue.
Although losing weight quickly may seem like a desirable goal, it’s not usually a healthy or long-lasting one. Preventive medicine specialist Donald Hensrud, M.D., of Mayo Clinic.com notes that weight loss of more than 2 pounds per week may be indicative of loss of lean muscle tissue or water weight. Similarly, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention observe that individuals who lose weight rapidly are less likely than those who lose weight gradually to maintain their weight loss over time.
The fact that fruit and milk don’t provide all the nutrients required is another problem. You need to consume veggies, grains, and lean meats in addition to healthy fats and a range of vitamins and minerals.
Prior to beginning any new diet or weight loss regimen, speak with your doctor. If you decide to give a milk and fruit diet plan a try, it’s best to follow it for a short period of time—a few days or a week—in order to avoid vitamin shortages, exhaustion, lightheadedness, and other possibly harmful side effects.
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